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Physiotherapy for children and young people

  • Service
  • 2 municipalities
  • Public service

For infants (under 1 year), physiotherapy focuses on the child's age-appropriate motor skills and capabilities as well as the position of limbs, body, and head. The physiotherapist gives the parents advice on how they can support the development of the child’s skills or strengthen postural symmetry. If necessary, a follow-up visit can be arranged to monitor the situation. A follow-up plan is also ...

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To whom and on what terms

The service is intended for clients of the wellbeing services county who are under the age of 18. It is provided based on a health care professional's assessment of the need for treatment and its urgency.

You need a referral from a doctor, nurse or other social and health care professional for physiotherapy. For the up-to-date contact information and opening hours of health centres, please visit our website.

If you wish to cancel your appointment, you can do it via the Maisa client portal. Please book a new appointment by calling.

The service is provided by

Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county

Responsible for the service

Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county
Text edited by: Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county
Updated: 9/4/2024