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Responsible for the service Soite

Specialist nurses at the receptions in Kokkola

  • Telephone service

Call-back by the specialist nurses at the receptions in Kokkola.

Telephone number

Diabetes nurse
+358 68264059 
(local/mobile network fee)
Heart nurse
+358 68264060 
(local/mobile network fee)
Asthma and rheumatology nurse
+358 68264061 
(local/mobile network fee)
Sleep apnoea nurse
+358 68264062 
(local/mobile network fee)
Spirometry nurse
+358 68264063 
(local/mobile network fee)
Wound nurse
+358 68264064 
(local/mobile network fee)

Service hours

Monday-Friday 8.00–16.00


Text edited by: Soite
Updated: 8/5/2024