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Personal assistance for people with disabilities

  • Service
  • 2 municipalities
  • Public service

Personal assistance is a service where a person with a severe disability is allocated personal assistance hours. The aim of the services is to make it possible for you to live an independent life and participate in society on an equal footing. Personal assistance may focus, for example, on daily activities, work, studies, hobbies, social participation or maintaining social connections. The need fo ...

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To whom and on what terms

You may receive personal assistance if you cannot carry out daily activities and manage at home without it; your need for assistance is high, ongoing or recurring at different times of the day or night. The person in need of personal assistance must have the resources to determine the content of the assistance and how it is provided. Personal assistance is mainly provided on weekdays between 8.00 and 18.00. For evenings and weekends, assistance hours are granted based on an actual assessed need when it is necessary for the client.

Personal assistance is not granted when the need for assistance is mainly based on care, treatment, supervision and rehabilitation needs.

You can contact the counselling service for people with disabilities either by phone, email, through the Maisa client portal or by sending an application online or in paper form. You can find the up-to-date contact information and opening hours in the Service units tab.

The service is provided by

Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county

Responsible for the service

Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county
Text edited by: Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county
Updated: 10/4/2024