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Responsible for the service City of Raisio

Permit to demolish a building

  • Permit or other obligation
  • Raisio
  • Public service

You need a demolition permit for the demolition of a building or its part. Even a small structure may require a demolition permit. You can make a demolition notification instead of getting a demolition permit if the building or structure is small.

You need a demolition permit to dismantle a building or part of it

  • For buildings and structures in an area covered by a local detailed plan
  • I ...

Do the following

Describe in the permit application, in detail, how the demolition work will be organised and the building waste managed and whether usable components and parts can still be reused. Submit the permit application to the municipal building supervisory authority.

Handling of demolition permits and notifications in the City of Raisio’s building control department


A) Demolition in connection with a construction project requiring a building permit

  • The demolition measures are presented in the building permit application, in the master plan and in hearing the neighbours.
  • The demolition measures will be resolved in connection with processing the building permit

B) Separate demolition measure

  • Submit an application for a permit to demolish a building in the e-service

Required documents

  • Document proving ownership, maps
  • Hearing of neighbours (for demolition permits, not for demolition notifications)
  • Appointment of the responsible foreman (for demolition permits, not for demolition notifications)
  • Demolition plan (extensive demolition measures)
  • Report on building waste

Before the demolition work begins, you have to deliver to the environmental protection authorities of Raisio a notification regarding building waste as well as a report on the treatment of the resulting waste and the utilisation of usable building elements.

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To whom and on what terms

No permit is required if it is stated in a valid building permit or another decision issued by the authorities that the building must be demolished. Neither is a permit required for the demolition of an outbuilding or any other minor building, unless the building can be considered to be historically or architecturally important.

If the entrepreneur has established itself in another country in the European Economic Area and temporarily offers services in Finland, the same permits are required as from entrepreneurs established in Finland.

Background information

In an area covered by a local detailed plan, a building or its part may not be demolished without a permit. The permit is granted by the municipal building supervisory authority. The demolition permit is also required for buildings outside an area covered by a local detailed plan if a building prohibition is in force or if it is so stated in the local master plan.

Even if no permit is required for the demolition, the municipal building supervisory authority must be notified of the demolition 30 days before the start of the work.

The service is provided by

City of Raisio

Responsible for the service

City of Raisio
Text edited by: City of Raisio
Updated: 3/3/2023