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Responsible for the service Vantaa city

Parking control

  • Service
  • Vantaa
  • Public service

In Vantaa, the cost of a parking fine is EUR 60, except in Tikkurila’s most expensive parking zone where the cost of a parking fine is EUR 80. Parking fines must be paid within 30 days.

Failure to pay by the due date will result in an increase of EUR 14 (section 17, Act on Parking Control [Laki pysäköinninvalvonnasta]).

If the recipient of a parking fine considers the payment to be unfair, t ...

Do the following

A parking penalty fee must be paid at the latest on the due date. If a penalty fee has been issued or a vehicle has been clamped, you can contact the parking warden to file a claim for a revised decision. As a rule, the claim must be filed within 30 days of the date on which the decision was attached to a vehicle or the vehicle owner was otherwise notified of it.

Background information

The task of parking enforcement is to enforce compliance with the rules and regulations concerning stopping and parking cars and stationary idling. Parking in public areas is monitored by municipal parking inspectors and the police. A parking inspector may impose a parking penalty fee for a violation of these prohibitions and restrictions. The size of the fee varies by municipality. If you think you have been fined on false grounds, you can file a claim for a revised decision.

Parking enforcement may clamp your car if it has been wrongly parked for at least two days or your car has accumulated five unpaid parking penalty fees.

A municipal parking warden or inspector must have insignia and a uniform that indicate his or her task, as well as a badge of office that can be displayed if necessary. Private parking facilities with their own operating principles and rules also operate in large cities

The service is provided by

Vantaa city

Responsible for the service

Vantaa city
Text edited by: Vantaa city
Updated: 1/6/2024