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Responsible for the service City of Naantali

Ordering an inspection of an area free of wild oat

  • Permit or other obligation
  • Naantali
  • Public service

Once an area registered in the wild oats register has been cleared of wild oats as instructed or planned, you can order an inspection of the area. The holder of the area orders the inspection of an area free of wild oats from the municipality’s Rural Livelihood Authority usually in connection to applying for area-based subsidies or using a free-form application. The inspection is recorded.

When the area has been found free of wild oats, the municipality’s Rural Livelihood Authority removes it from the wild oats register and sends a notification to the applicant.

Do the following

Order an inspection of an area free of wild oats when applying for an area-based subsidy.

You can also order the inspection with a free-form application.

To whom and on what terms

The municipality’s Rural Livelihood Authority declares an area free of wild oats if no wild oats are sighted during inspections of two consecutive years. If wild oats are not found during the first year’s inspection, the holder of the area does not need to renew the inspection request the following year.

The municipal Rural Livelihood Authority can declare an area free of wild oats without an inspection if the area has continuously been cultivated with grass during the previous ten growing periods, no wild oats have been found in the area and no control instructions or plans have been issued for it.

If the trader is established in another EEA state and provides services in Finland on a temporary basis, they are required to have the same permits as the traders established in Finland.


The inspection of an area free of wild oats is ordered in connection with the application for agricultural subsidies, which is usually by 15 June. It can also be ordered in free form without a time limit.

The service is provided by

City of Raisio

Responsible for the service

City of Naantali
Text edited by: City of Naantali
Updated: 28/8/2023