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Responsible for the service The Municipality of Sipoo

On-Call Veterinary Services

  • Service
  • Sipoo
  • Public service

On-call veterinary services for small animals in Sipoo are provided by the City of Vantaa, and for large animals by the City of Porvoo. During office hours, you will find veterinary services in Nikkilä.

Do the following

If you require urgent veterinary care outside office hours, please call the telephone service (subject to a charge).

On-call veterinarians will leave a message at their telephone answering machine if they are currently visiting a patient. Please do not dictate messages to the appointment number answering service. If you are unable to reach the on-call veterinarian, you may leave a message at the automatic answering machine on their mobile phone number.

Please make sure to include the following in your message: your name, telephone number, what kind of animal needs treatment and why. The vet will contact you immediately after listening to your message.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

Background information

Urgent veterinary care outside office hours is provided by municipalities as part of emergency veterinary services. The emergency veterinary services may be organised by a wellbeing services county, municipality or several municipalities together.

You are usually expected to take small animals to the veterinarian but treatment for large animals is provided in the place where they are kept.

The emergency service may be provided by the municipality or wellbeing services county, or it may be outsourced to a private service provider.

The service is provided by

The City of Porvoo, Vantaa city

Other responsible organisations

Vantaa city, The City of Porvoo

Responsible for the service

The Municipality of Sipoo
Text edited by: The Municipality of Sipoo
Updated: 9/2/2024