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Responsible for the service ELY Centre

Notification of dredging or mowing wetlands

  • Permit or other obligation
  • Nationwide except the Åland Islands
  • Public service

Submit a notification if you intend to remove soil and silt from the bottom of a water body by machine. Your notification will be reviewed to assess whether a permit is needed, and the authority may issue detailed instructions for the work. The procedure ensures that the notifier receives necessary information about the required permits and guidance on performing the necessary tasks with as little ...

Do the following

Dredging works must be planned and carried out with care to avoid causing environmental damage, nuisance and neighbour disputes. The person organising the dredging is responsible for the legality of the works and for any damage caused. In order to avoid problems and disputes, you should discuss your plans with the owners of the water body and neighbouring properties.

Detailed information about the planning of dredging or mowing works, issues to consider and how to send the notification is available on the website of the environmental administration. The e-service is the preferred method of notification. The e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

Before you send your notification, obtain a map of the area to be dredged and details of the water bodies and waterside properties and their owners, draw up an estimate of the volume and type of mass to be dredged, and determine the dredging method and a dump site for the sediment. In addition to notifying the authority, the owner of the wetland/water body must also be notified of dredging/mowing works at least 30 days before the work starts.


The notification must be submitted no later than 30 days before the work starts.

Period of validity

The authority will provide detailed instructions about work that requires a permit and about the validity of the notification.

The service is provided by

ELY Centre

Other responsible organisations

ELY Centre for Häme, ELY Centre for South Savo, ELY Centre for Satakunta, ELY Centre for Uusimaa, ELY Centre for Central Finland, ELY Centre for North Savo, ELY Centre for Ostrobothnia, ELY Centre for Varsinais-Suomi, ELY Centre for Lapland, ELY Centre for Kainuu, ELY Centre for South Ostrobothnia, ELY Centre for Pirkanmaa, ELY Centre for North Ostrobothnia, ELY Centre for Southeast Finland, ELY Centre for North Karelia

Responsible for the service

ELY Centre
Text edited by: ELY Centre
Updated: 6/5/2024