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Responsible for the service City of Naantali

Notification of collection of waste on a professional basis to the waste management register

  • Permit or other obligation
  • Naantali
  • Public service

Those collecting waste on a professional basis must report their operation to the municipal authorities for entry in the waste management register.

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To whom and on what terms

If a trader has established their business in another country within the European Economic Area and intends to provide their services temporarily in Finland, the trader is subject to the same obligations as all other traders established in Finland.

Background information

A company that carries out waste collection on a professional basis must notify the municipal environmental authorities of its activities. Based on the notification, the authorities enter the company in the waste management register. The company may include the information on all reception points to which it delivers waste for intermediate storage.

The operator carrying out waste collection on a professional basis must keep a record of the collected waste. The details of the type and quality of the collected waste, the hazardous properties of hazardous waste, the quality, origin and place of delivery of the waste and its transport and treatment must be recorded in accounting. This information must be stored for six years.

The notification must include details on who commissions the waste collection and who is responsible for the collected waste. The notification must state whether the reception point has an environmental permit and whether the collection is carried out continuously or on a fixed-term basis. If a company operates in numerous municipalities, it must submit an application for the approval of its activities to the ELY Centre with jurisdiction over the area in which the majority of its operations take place.

The service is provided by

City of Naantali

Responsible for the service

City of Naantali
Text edited by: City of Naantali
Updated: 28/6/2023