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Responsible for the service South Karelia Immigrant Services

Multilingual guidance and counselling service Momentti

  • Service
  • 9 municipalities
  • Public service

The multilingual guidance and counselling service Momentti of South Karelia Immigrant Services can help you with a wide range of everyday problems and questions. We offer guidance and counselling to immigrants in several different languages. You can get information, counselling and guidance for integration and living in Finland. We can steer you to the services you need.

For example, we provide g ...

Do the following

You can visit the Lappeenranta or Imatra office or contact the telephone service. Please first check the telephone service hours for speakers of different languages!

Background information

The service is provided by

South Karelia Immigrant Services, City of Lappeenranta

Other responsible organisations

Luumäen kunta, Lemin kunta, Ruokolahden kunta, Parikkalan kunta, Savitaipaleen kunta, Rautjärven kunta, City of Lappeenranta, Imatran kaupunki, Taipalsaaren kunta

Responsible for the service

South Karelia Immigrant Services
Text edited by: South Karelia Immigrant Services
Updated: 14/3/2024