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Responsible for the service Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Memory outpatient clinic

  • Service
  • 10 municipalities
  • Public service

To be examined at the memory clinic, a referral from a doctor is required. This referral can be obtained from a health station, for instance. Initial tests for memory disorders are performed by the referring body before making the referral.

Contact the health station about memory concerns if you or a loved one:

• Are worried about short-term memory and functional ability, even if you remain soci ...

Do the following

To whom and on what terms

You can be admitted to the memory outpatient clinic through your health centre or specialised health care on a physician's referral.

At the memory clinic, more comprehensive diagnostic tests will be conducted by a memory nurse and geriatrician/memory disorder specialist. These tests might include imaging or laboratory tests. We recommend that a family member or close acquaintance who is familiar with the client's life circumstances would accompany them to the clinic.

Our objectives are to detect memory disorders as early as possible, slow their progression, and help maintain functional ability through medication and rehabilitation. This enables individuals to continue living safely at home for as long as possible.

Additionally, our clinic aims to enhance understanding of memory disorders and foster positive attitudes towards affected individuals.

After diagnosis, patients are referred for ongoing monitoring by Senior Info client coordinators and a health station doctor. Home care patients with memory disorders are monitored by home care nurses and their assigned doctor.

The service is provided by

Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Responsible for the service

Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County
Text edited by: Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County
Updated: 29/5/2024