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Responsible for the service Kela

Kela’s appointment booking system

  • Service
  • Nationwide
  • Public service

Customers can use Kela’s online appointment booking system to make an appointment with Kela to discuss their benefits.

Individual customers can make appointments for themselves. They can also use the mandate ”Manage social security benefits” to make an appointment on the behalf of someone else. Guardians can make an appointment for their minor child without going through the authorisati ...

Do the following

If you are an individual customer, read more on the website at

If you represent a partner organisation, read more on the website at (in Finnish) The site contains information for example on how to add your organisation’s business ID (Y-tunnus) into the register for Kela’s appointment booking system.

To whom and on what terms

Use of Kela’s appointment booking system always requires strong electronic authentication.

The service is provided by


Responsible for the service

Text edited by: Kela
Updated: 14/5/2024