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Responsible for the service Vantaa city

Day Care Place Guarantee

  • Service
  • Vantaa
  • Public service

The city of Vantaa has a day care place guarantee that entitles the child to return to the same day care place after a temporary termination of day care.

Using the day care place guarantee is suitable, for instance, when a mother stays home with a newborn, and the older child is taken out of day care for the time, or if a parent is left unem-ployed and stays home with the child/ren. During the ...

Do the following

To whom and on what terms

Requirements for day care place guarantee:

- termination of day care continues uninterrupted for at least two months

- the child has been in day care for at least four months before the termination

- a written agreement on the discontinuation is made with the daycare centre manager at least one month before it is discontinued

- two months before the termination of the contract period, the family has to make a written notification about the child's return to day care

- if the child returns to day care in August, the notification has to be made by May 31 at the latest

- if the day care place guarantee is continued, a new agreement will be made

The service is provided by

Vantaa city

Responsible for the service

Vantaa city
Text edited by: Vantaa city
Updated: 16/5/2024