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Adaptation training services

  • Service
  • 27 municipalities
  • Public service

Adaptation training services include advice, counselling and training for the persons with disabilities and their families to support social capabilities. Adaptation training services can be organised individually or for groups. In some situations, the training can be organised in the home of the person with disabilities.

At discretion, the adaptation training services can include the following: ...

Do the following

Apply for the adaptation training services at the social services or the disability services of your municipality of residence. The employee of the disability services will help you.

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To whom and on what terms

The service is meant for persons with a disability and their family who need advice, counselling or guidance regarding dealing with a disability or illness. Persons with a disability can get help from adaptation training services based on an individual assessment of service needs. The content of the adaptation training is always determined case by case based on the needs of the customer.

Background information

Adaptation training helps persons with disabilities or serious illnesses and their families accept the everyday problems caused by the situation. At the same time, they are supported in finding solutions that will allow them to live their lives to the fullest.

Adaptation training can be provided individually or for groups, over a short term or repeatedly. For example, it can be arranged in the form of a course or during home visits. An individual plan is drawn up for the implementation of the adaptation training.

The service is provided by

The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland

Responsible for the service

The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Text edited by: The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Updated: 1/1/2023