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What should I do?

My personal data has been stolen or leaked

To get the best help for your situation, first answer the questions on the Preliminary questions page.


Do the following if your personal data ends up in the wrong hands as a result of a data breach or data leak.

Find out what data has been stolen

This will help you determine

  • what the possible consequences could be
  • what you should do.

Do not agree to any demands

If you are being blackmailed

  • do not pay any ransom
  • do not communicate with your blackmailer
  • collect evidence on the attempted extortion.

Close your online banking IDs when needed

If your online bank ID or access code list has been revealed to an unwanted party, contact your bank immediately.

Cancel your debit or credit card when needed

If your debit or credit card information ends up in the wrong hands, immediately request your bank to cancel your card.

Report any missing electronic ID cards or passport to the police

If your ID card or passport has ended up in the wrong hands, report this to the police.

Monitor your bank accounts and invoices

The persons who stole your data may use it to make purchases online.

Report any misuse of your data

If your information has been misused, you must immediately notify the organisation that hosts the service where the misuse took place. Submit a request for rectification to, for example, the relevant bank, store and sender of the bill.

If you suspect a crime, report it

For example, if you have been subjected to fraud, a data breach or blackmail

Prohibit the disclosure of your contact information

If you wish to prohibit the disclosure of your information through any address and directory services, submit a contact information disclosure ban to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and to your teleoperator.

Look after your information security

  • Change the passwords you use in your online services.
  • A secure password contains at least 16 characters.
  • Use a different password in each service.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Be sceptical if you are asked for personal information or passwords online or by phone.

Limit the information that is available on you

Reduce the amount of information that is available on you online and consider requesting the deletion of your data from

Report security breach

If your personal data has been stolen online or your online service account has been hacked, report the breach to the National Cyber Security Centre.Opens in a new window.

Seek help if needed

If you feel overwhelmed by the situation, you can always seek help:

You can also seek help from your occupational health care provider or the health and social services centre in your wellbeing services county.

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