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What do I do?

Company’s financial difficulties and their prevention

To get the best help for your situation, first answer the questions on the Preliminary questions page.

Discuss the situation

Talk to your loved ones

As an entrepreneur, you may be so attached to your company's affairs that you forget to take care of your own coping. You may not want to burden your family and friends with your or your company's problems either. 

When you tell your loved ones about what you have on your mind, 

  • they will be able to better understand if you are busy or tired
  • talking makes you feel better
  • you may get completely new perspectives on things
  • you can think about solutions to your own financial needs together.
Updated: 26/10/2022

Find support for coping

The entrepreneur’s own well-being and coping directly affect the company's success, customers and potential employees. Don't hesitate to talk to professionals about your worries.

You can get support for coping from occupational health care and health care and social services in your wellbeing services county. Start using the services as soon as you start to feel that you no longer have time for your own well-being. 

If you want to discuss a difficult time in your life with an outsider, book an appointment with Mieli ry's crisis reception (in Finnish)Opens in a new window..  You can also find on Tukinet (in Finnish)Opens in a new window. a support person or participate in chats. 

One of the providers for mental and spiritual support is the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland (in Finnish and Swedish)Opens in a new window.. Church diaconal workers can also help if you want to have a confidential discussion about anything that weighs on your mind.

Updated: 8/5/2024

Talk to other entrepreneurs

Other entrepreneurs understand what running a business requires and what kind of difficulties this involves.

The regional network of financial assistance for entrepreneurs and business mentorsOpens in a new window. provide free personal support near your place of residence.

Rural entrepreneurs can find peer support through the support network of the Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners MTK (in Finnish)Opens in a new window..

Updated: 8/5/2024

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