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Smoking cessation groups

  • Service
  • Helsinki
  • Public service

The City of Helsinki smoking clinic organises smoking cessation groups where people share their experiences on how to stop smoking. Groups are organised at different health stations.

Smoking is the greatest lifestyle-related cause of morbidity and mortality. In addition to increasing the risk of cancer, smoking also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Quitting smoking is a key part o ...

Do the following

To whom and on what terms

The service is only for citizens of Helsinki.

Background information

Nurses give health advice, wound care and vaccinations and remove stitches, etc. If necessary, the nurse can refer the patient to a doctor.

Non-urgent treatment must be provided within a set period. During business hours, patients must be able to contact a health and social services centre immediately by telephone or visiting the centre. Calls are returned without delay, usually on the same day.

The need for treatment may be initially assessed already on the phone but always during the same day. The necessary treatment must be organised within a reasonable time which means within 14 days.

The service is provided by

City of Helsinki

Responsible for the service

City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Text edited by: City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Updated: 31/3/2024