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Responsible for the service The Municipality of Sipoo

Kartanon päiväkoti

  • Service location

Kartanon päiväkoti is a day care centre located at the Nikkilän Kartano residential area. The day care centre is bilingual, and provides early childhood education and care in both Finnish and Swedish for children between ages 1 and 5. Kartano day care centre is the only one in Sipoo to offer nonstandard hour care, i.e. care during nights, evenings and weekends.

Visiting address

Other contact details

Telephone number

Tammenterhot age 1-5
+358 503773353 
(local/mobile network fee)
Loftet age 1-3, Swedish
+358 503774152 
(local/mobile network fee)
Rian age 3-5, Swedish
+358 503773354 
(local/mobile network fee)


Text edited by: The Municipality of Sipoo
Updated: 9/2/2024