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Responsible for the service City of Tampere

Influencing detailed shore planning

  • Service
  • Tampere
  • Public service

Detailed shoreline land use plan is a binding plan for the construction of a coastal area, the preparation of which is the responsibility of the landowner and the implementation of which does not generate any costs for the municipality. The detailed shoreline land use plan is mainly suitable for planning holiday settlements.

The landowner can arrange for the drafting of a detailed shoreline land ...

Do the following

If you wish to influence detailed shore planning, request instructions from the local authority.

Contact the Tampere Comprehensive Plan planner if you want to discuss the need for a detailed shoreline land use plan.

You can find information on pending detailed plans and other current plans on the City of Tampere's Land use planning website.

To whom and on what terms

All parties whose lives or interests are affected by detailed shore planning have the right to take part and have a say in the process.

According to the Land Use and Building Act, the landowners of the area to be planned and those whose living, working or other conditions may be significantly affected by the plan are involved. The authorities and associations whose areas of activity are covered by the plan are also participants.

So whether it is a business, a private individual, an association or any other community, everyone can be involved in the preparation of a plan.

The list of participants is set out in the plan's participation and assessment plan.

Background information

Landowners may take charge of drawing up a proposal for the detailed shore plan of the shore areas that they own. Drawing up detailed plans for shore areas is the responsibility of the municipality. All parties whose lives or interests are affected by detailed shore planning have the right to take part in the planning process.

As a rule, buildings may not be constructed in shore zones of the sea or a body of water without a detailed shore plan or a local master plan that has been separately assigned as a basis for a building permit. Renovation and extension of existing buildings must also be in accordance with the plan.

Nature conservation, landscape values, recreational needs, water protection and the provision of water supply are also taken into account in the detailed shore planning process.

The service is provided by

City of Tampere

Responsible for the service

City of Tampere
Text edited by: City of Tampere
Updated: 6/9/2023