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Responsible for the service Finnish Patent and Registration Office

Details on beneficial owners from the Finnish Trade Register

  • Service
  • Nationwide
  • Public service

The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) provides details on beneficial owners entered in the Trade Register.

In the Money Laundering Act, a beneficial owner refers to a person who either owns the company or otherwise controls it. In most cases, the beneficial owners are the owners of the company.

Who can have access to the details on beneficial owners?

The details on beneficial own ...

Do the following

Guidance on requesting the details on beneficial owners and price information can be found on the PRH website. You will also receive guidance from the PRH customer and information service.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

The PRH provides details on beneficial owners to those whose purpose of use of the details is in accordance with the Act on Money Laundering. In practice, these include the following:

  • Finnish supervisory authorities defined in the Act on Money Laundering;
  • companies defined in the Act on Money Laundering who have an obligation to know their customers (such as banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions, real estate agents, auditors);
  • media representatives; and
  • other parties whose purpose of use of the details is in accordance with the Act on Money Laundering.

The purpose of use under the Money Laundering Act means that the purpose of the information is to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing or to promote the disclosure of money laundering and terrorist financing.

The details on beneficial owners are subject to a fee.

The PRH must identify the person using the details on beneficial owners. When processing your order, we may ask you to identify yourself online.

A contract with the PRH is required to obtain the details on beneficial owners as a contract client.

The service is provided by

Finnish Patent and Registration Office

Responsible for the service

Finnish Patent and Registration Office
Text edited by: Finnish Patent and Registration Office
Updated: 9/4/2021