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How an organization grants its employees a mandate to grant other employees mandates to deal with customers’ affairs

This example describes a situation in which an accounting firm gives its employee the right to grant other employees mandates to deal with customers’ affairs.

When you want to give your employee the right to grant mandates to other employees to manage affairs using mandates received from the company's customers, do this:  

  1. Identify yourself into e-Authorizations.
  2. On the start page, select Company’s mandates as the service role and the company on behalf of which you want to grant a mandate. 
  3. Select Grant mandates. 
  4. Select representative's right to grant a mandate as the mandate type.
  5. Add the employee’s or the employees' details in the section as the assignee or the assignees.
  6. Select the mandate themes, i.e., themes regarding which you wish to grant your employee a representative’s right to grant a mandate.
  7. Define the period of validity of the mandate.
  8. Check that all the mandate’s details are correct and validate the mandate.

Employees who have been given the representative’s right to grant a mandate can act on behalf of the company in selected mandate themes as follows:

  • The employee can use e-Authorizations on behalf of the company that has granted them the representative's right to grant a mandate, and grant other employees mandates to represent.
  • The employee will see the mandates for transactions that the company has received. 
  • The employee can also request mandates for transactions from the company’s business or private customers. For example, an employee in an accounting firm with the representative’s right to grant a mandate in the theme "Reporting earnings payment data" may request, on behalf of the accounting firm, a mandate from a customer company to submit pay data to the Incomes Register on its behalf. 

Updated: 9/12/2022