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Call the number 112 in an emergency

Call 112

  • If you have an emergency or you need urgent assistance from the authorities
  • If you know or suspect that somebody’s life, health, property or the environment is under threat or in danger

See more detailed instructions for calling emergency number in Finland.Opens in a new window.

Download the 112 Suomi applicationOpens in a new window. to your smartphone so that you can automatically share your location with the emergency response centre. You location is also shared when you use the application to call the Road User’s Hotline or a Maritime Rescue Centre. Regional warnings and official notices are also relayed to your phone through the application on the basis of location data.

On the ERC Services tab, you will find numbers that you can call when you need non-urgent help or you can use the application to check the location of the nearest defibrillator.

Text edited by: editorial team
Updated: 12/5/2023