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Sick leave, employment relationship and patient’s rights

If you have an illness that is considered serious or prohibits you from working for a prolonged period, you have to see a doctor. Financial support is available for persons on a long sick leave. An illness is not a justification for terminating an employment contract but a disability of work as a consequence of an illness can be that.

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Prolonged sick leave

If you have an illness that is considered serious or prohibits you from working for a prolonged period, you have to see a doctor.

Illness and employment relationship

Your employer cannot fire you because you are ill, but if your illness makes you unable to work, the employer may have the right to let you go.

Financial support when you are ill

Workers who earn a wage, self-employed persons and people who are unemployed have a right to sickness allowance.

Patient's rights and patient safety

Under the law, a patient has a right to good health care and medical care. The patient’s human dignity, religious and ethical beliefs are respected.

Instructions for persons coming back to work after a long sick leave

Keep in touch with your workplace during your sick leave. Workplaces and trade unions have instructions to support people after a long sick leave.

Financial support for going back to work

You do not have to have your full capacity for work to go back. You can get financial support for part-time work.