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Responsible for the service The Municipality of Sipoo

Veterinary Services

  • Service
  • Sipoo
  • Public service

The City of Porvoo Environmental Health Services takes care of veterinary services in Sipoo.

Veterinary Appointments

Veterinary services are available as a rule by appointment between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Appointments are booked on weekdays 8–9 a.m. If the need for veterinary services is urgent, you can reach a vet by calling the service number on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and leaving a mes ...

Do the following

Please use the online appointment system to make an appointment for veterinary services, or call the Sipoo vet service number on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. In need of urgent veterinary care, you may call the number between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. and leave a message at the answering machine. During other hours, please contact the on-call veterinary doctor if it’s not possible to wait until the following weekday.

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To whom and on what terms

Municipalities are required to provide basic veterinary services for other animals than livestock only in the case that the service is not otherwise available within the co-management area.

Background information

Veterinary services include health checks, diagnoses and treatment of illnesses, as well as the issuing of veterinary certificates. The services also include ensuring the health and welfare of animals, preventive health care and putting animals down, if necessary.

Basic veterinary services are available on weekdays during office hours and as urgent veterinary assistance for all domestic animals around the clock. The region's environmental health care provider can provide the services themselves or obtain them from a private veterinary service provider.

The service is provided by

The City of Porvoo

Responsible for the service

The Municipality of Sipoo
Text edited by: The Municipality of Sipoo
Updated: 9/2/2024