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Veterinary emergency clinic outside office hours

  • Service
  • 13 municipalities
  • Public service

The veterinary emergency clinic is only intended for patients in need of urgent veterinary care whose treatment cannot wait for office hours.

Do the following

Background information

Urgent veterinary care outside office hours is provided by municipalities as part of emergency veterinary services. The emergency veterinary services may be organised by a wellbeing services county, municipality or several municipalities together.

You are usually expected to take small animals to the veterinarian but treatment for large animals is provided in the place where they are kept.

The emergency service may be provided by the municipality or wellbeing services county, or it may be outsourced to a private service provider.

The service is provided by

Wellbeing services county of North Karelia – Siun sote

Responsible for the service

Wellbeing services county of North Karelia – Siun sote
Text edited by: Wellbeing services county of North Karelia – Siun sote
Updated: 16/1/2024