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Responsible for the service TE Office

Support and assistance in situations of change in workforce needs

  • Service
  • Nationwide except the Åland Islands
  • Public service

TE Office provides assistance to you as the employer when your organisation needs adjustment of activities, which usually implies personnel-related measures, such as lay-offs, dismissals and shifts to part-time work.

In situations of change, the TE Office provides services that promote the employment and training of dismissed or laid off personnel. This implies a collaborative effort between the ...

Do the following

When you need advice in situations of personnel changes and reduction, you can

  • leave a contact request through the E-services of TE Services of the company and the employer,
  • call the company and employer customer advisory service number, or
  • contact the change security specialist in your area.

If your organisation falls within the scope of the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings, you must provide the TE Office with information on any change negotiations that will begin and which may lead to the personnel being part-timed, laid off or terminated. The TE Office of the organisation’s area of economic activity must be informed of the starting change negotiations either by email or in paper form.

After this, the TE Office will contact your organisation and provide services suitable for the situation of change.

The TE Office of the organisation’s area of economic activity must be informed of the starting change negotiations either by email or in paper form.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

The assistance provided by the TE Office to organisations facing workforce reductions is statutory. You can use the service for your needs if your organisation is covered by the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings and you are starting negotiations on personnel changes. You must send the information about the situation of change, i.e. a negotiation proposal, to the TE Office.

TE Office also provides assistance to companies and other organisations not subject to the Act on Co-operation within Undertakings, when they are facing situations of change that lead to lay-offs and dismissals.

The service is provided by

TE Office

Other responsible organisations

Lapland TE Office, Etelä-Pohjanmaa TE Office, Keski-Suomi TE Office, Pohjanmaa TE Office, Kaakkois-Suomi TE Office, Kainuu TE Office, Häme TE Office, Uusimaa TE Office, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa TE Office, Pirkanmaa TE Office, Varsinais-Suomi TE Office, Pohjois-Savo TE Office, Satakunta TE Office, Etelä-Savo TE Office, Pohjois-Karjala TE Office

Responsible for the service

TE Office
Text edited by: TE Office
Updated: 18/1/2023