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Responsible for the service East Uusimaa wellbeing services county

Social Services for Families with Children

  • Service
  • 7 municipalities
  • Public service

All children have the right to grow up in a safe environment, to develop in a balanced and multifaceted way, and to receive particular protection.

Social services for families with children

  • include an assessment of the family’s needs, provision of the necessary support and organization of the provided services
  • is systematic and target-oriented work to promote changes together with the fam ...

Do the following

When you need help and want us to assess your situation, please contact us either by yourself or together with a professional.

If you are a new client please contact customer guidance for families with children.

If you already are our customer you can contact your own employee. You can find the contact information on Social Services for Families with Children website.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

Service is for children and families living in Eastern Uusimaa wellbeing services county.

The service is provided by

East Uusimaa wellbeing services county

Responsible for the service

East Uusimaa wellbeing services county
Text edited by: East Uusimaa wellbeing services county
Updated: 13/5/2024