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Responsible for the service City of Tampere

Tesoma daycare centre

  • Service location

The Tesoma daycare centre is a place where each child is listened to and respected. Children benefit from safety, time, and opportunities for successes and experiences, all in a positive atmosphere. The daycare centre’s early childhood education programme makes use of the local natural environment through hikes and trips to the forest. The local library as well as ice rink and church are also serv ...

Visiting address

Kohmankaari 11
33310 Tampere

Service hours

Monday-Friday 6.00–18.00

Other contact details

Telephone number

Daycare centre manager
+358 400299450 
(local/mobile network fee)

Postal address

Kohmankaari 11
33310 Tampere

Text edited by: City of Tampere
Updated: 5/6/2024