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Responsible for the service Vantaa city

Tammistonrannan päiväkodin liikuntasali

  • Service location

The gym is sized 75 m², and the floor is plastic membrane. The gym cannot be divided into sections with a curtain. The gym is 12 m long, 5.5 m wide and 3 m high. A maximum of 109 people are allowed to be in the facility at the same time.

Please note:

The person responsible must be an adult. They will agree on picking up and returning the Abloy keys with the daycare director. A key agreement wil ...

Visiting address

Service hours

Monday-Friday 17.30–21.30
Saturday-Sunday 8.00–21.30

Other contact details

Accessibility information


Text edited by: Vantaa city
Updated: 28/5/2024