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Responsible for the service The Municipality of Sipoo

Söderkulla Youth Club Pleissi

  • Service location

Söderkulla Youth Club Pleissi is a meeting place especially for young people. We arrange a variety of attractions suitable for everyone. Pleissi welcomes young people to just hang out with their friends, do homework or handicrafts, cook, or just to have a chat with the youth workers. You can also participate in planning of the activities, and to take part in organizing various events such as film ...

Visiting address

Service hours

For 7-13 year olds
Monday 13.00–17.00
Wednesday-Thursday 13.00–17.00
For 13-20 year olds
Monday 17.00–21.00
Wednesday-Thursday 17.00–21.00
Friday-Saturday 16.00–23.00

Other contact details

Telephone number

Söderkulla Youth Club Pleissi
+358 503448173 
(local/mobile network fee)
Youth worker Marjo Tani
+358 401914285 
(local/mobile network fee)
Deputy Youth worker Nea-Mari Vallin
+358 404810591 
(local/mobile network fee)


Text edited by: The Municipality of Sipoo
Updated: 22/5/2023