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Responsible for the service Vantaa city

Registry office

  • Service location

The City of Vantaa Registry keeps up a register of issues under handling by the city so that monitoring the progress of handling them is flexible. The registry enters initiated matters into the register, records incoming documents, and forwards matters to departments for preparation. You can ask the registry about the state of handling the matter as well as the name of the person processing it.

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Visiting address

Ratatie 11, Vantaa-info, 2. krs
01300 Vantaa

Service hours

Monday-Wednesday 8.45–16.30
Thursday 12.00–17.00
Friday 7.45–15.30

Other contact details

Postal address

01030 Vantaan Kaupunki

Asematie 7
01300 Vantaa

Text edited by: Vantaa city
Updated: 19/5/2024