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Responsible for the service South Savo Wellbeing Services County

Mäntyharju social and health station

  • Service location

The Mäntyharju social and health station offers municipal primary health and social care services.

Clients’ health problems are solved according to individual needs and with the help of a broad variety of professionals.

The social and health station includes a dental clinic, a child health clinic, and a laboratory.

The social and health station also offers primary health care ward treatment. ...

Visiting address

Service hours

Monday 7.30–14.00 and 8.00–15.00
Tuesday 7.30–14.00 and 8.00–15.00 and 8.00–15.00
Wednesday 7.30–14.00 and 8.00–15.00
Thursday 7.30–14.00 and 8.00–15.00 and 8.00–15.00
Friday 7.30–14.00 and 8.00–15.00

Other contact details

Telephone number

Healthcare consultancy and appointment booking
+358 157701700 
(local/mobile network fee)
Geriatrinen arviointiosasto
+358 447707268 
(local/mobile network fee)


Text edited by: South Savo Wellbeing Services County
Updated: 4/4/2024