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Responsible for the service South Savo Wellbeing Services County

Kerimäki social and health station

  • Service location

The Kerimäki social and health station appointment services provide treatment for less serious, non-urgent ailments and long-term illnesses.

The top floor of the health station houses Kerimäki's short-term unit/elderly care home, which offers periodic care for the elderly.

The health station also offers rehabilitative day activities for the elderly.

Visiting address

Service hours

Monday-Thursday 8.00–13.00 and 8.00–15.00
Friday 8.00–13.00

Exceptional service hours


Other contact details

Telephone number

Healthcare consultancy telephone service of the Savonlinna region
+358 155277112 
(local/mobile network fee)
+358 444172342 
(local/mobile network fee)


Text edited by: South Savo Wellbeing Services County
Updated: 27/5/2024