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Responsible for the service Vantaa city

Hiekkaharju Youth Centre

  • Service location

Hiekkaharju Youth Centre (also known as “36” or “Kolmekutonen”) has operated as a youth centre in the area since the 1970s. Here, you can participate in various recreational activities and events. Hiekkaharju Youth Centre’s special feature is its band facilities, where you can play and record music. You can also book the facilities for your band. There is also an area for skateboarding outside the ...

Visiting address

Service hours

Monday 14.00–20.30
Wednesday 14.00–16.00
Thursday 14.00–20.30
Friday 15.00–20.30

Other contact details

Postal address

01030 Vantaan Kaupunki

Leinikkitie 36
01350 Vantaa

Accessibility information


Text edited by: Vantaa city
Updated: 1/6/2024