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Mobility support services for people with disabilities

  • Service
  • 2 municipalities
  • Public service

Mobility support can be arranged if you are unable to use public transport independently due to an illness, injury or similar reason that reduces your ability to function and you need support in running errands or other everyday needs.

You can be assigned a support person for getting around outside your home based on a service needs assessment. With a support person, you can practice using publ ...

Do the following

To whom and on what terms

You are eligible for the mobility support services if you are unable to use public transport independently without unreasonable difficulty due to an illness, injury or similar reason that reduces your ability to function.

To receive the service, please contact the counselling service for people with disabilities either by phone, email, through the Maisa client portal or by sending an application online or in paper form. You can find the up-to-date contact information and opening hours in the Service units tab.

The service is provided by

Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county

Responsible for the service

Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county
Text edited by: Vantaa and Kerava wellbeing services county
Updated: 13/5/2024