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Family mediation

  • Service
  • 27 municipalities
  • Public service

The mediators provide help and support, at request, as conflicts occur in the family.

Family mediation is used most often as the parents are contemplating divorce or have already decided to get divorced. Mediation may also be used after the divorce if the family needs the support of a mediator in adjusting the new life situation.

The aim of the mediation is to create a confidential and open com ...

Do the following

Contact the family counselling or the family law services of your municipality of residence. The child and family counselling services are meant for families with children.

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To whom and on what terms

Family mediation is voluntary, confidential and free of charge. The mediation is based on the willingness and motivation of the participants.

Background information

As a couple, you can apply for family mediation in cases of conflict, when considering divorce, or when you have already made your decision on the matter. Mediation can also be used after a divorce to, for example, resolve any disputes related to your children.

If you are married or in a common-law marriage or registered partnership, you and your family have the right to mediation. Your participation in mediation is always confidential and voluntary.

Mediators are persons familiar with family counselling, family law or child welfare who are authorised to engage in mediation. Family mediation is organised by social services independently or in cooperation with, for example, associations, companies, foundations or other professional actors.

The service is provided by

The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland

Responsible for the service

The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Text edited by: The wellbeing services county of Southwest Finland
Updated: 20/5/2024