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Responsible for the service TE Office

Employment subsidy for those aged 55 or over

  • Service
  • Nationwide except the Åland Islands
  • Public service

TE Offices and local government pilots may grant your organisation employment subsidy to cover the costs of hiring their customers who are unemployed job seekers aged 55 or over.

The purpose of the subsidy is to promote the employment of those aged 55 or over by improving their professional or entrepreneurial skills. The subsidy is granted and paid to the employer, but the essential part of grant ...

Do the following

Apply for employment subsidy well in advance of the start of the employment relationship. You can apply the subsidy only with an electronic form. Before making the decision, the TE Office or local government pilot confirms the prerequisites for granting the subsidy, as well as information related to taxes, and request for further information if necessary. The employment relationship may not begin until the employment subsidy has been granted.

In the e-services, applications can only be submitted by an authorised person. The mandate theme is called Applying for pay subsidy. Authorised persons use the e-services on behalf of their organisation through e-Identification. Persons without separate authorisation can act on behalf of an organisation only if they have an existing mandate for transactions or a right based on register data. The service verifies the right to use the service when logging in. In addition to authorisations organisations need their business ID to use the e-services.

How to apply for the subsidy

Apply for the subsidy via the e-services of TE Services. Log in to the e-services using your personal banking ID, mobile certificate or certificate card.

Fill in the application and attach the necessary attachments to it through the e-services’ service menu. The e-services’ built-in instructions will help with filling in the application. Notifications received from the service provide information on the different stages of your transaction. By using e-services, you can submit an application, respond to requests for supplementary information concerning the application, supplement your application and receive decisions concerning your transaction.

How to apply payment of the subsidy

Apply for payment of the subsidy from the KEHA Centre in the e-services in accordance with the subsidy decision.

Apply for payment of the subsidy on a monthly basis for the wage payment periods ending during the calendar month. Apply for the payment of the subsidy three months after the end of the subsidy period before it expires. The application does not expire during the subsidy period.

You will receive a notification of the payment of employment subsidy to the e-service.

Information on all service channels is not available in your chosen language. Change the language of the site to receive information on service channels in other languages.

To whom and on what terms

You can receive employment subsidy if the organisation you represent is

  • a company,
  • a municipality, joint municipal authority or wellbeing services county, or
  • other community, such as an association, foundation, registered religious community or parish.

Employment subsidy cannot be granted if the salary of the person employed with the subsidy is based solely on the result of the work, for example if the salary is merely a sales commission without a base salary. Nor can the subsidy be granted for an employment relationship that has started before the decision to grant the subsidy was made.

The subsidy will also not be granted to you if it would distort competition with others who provide the same products or services or if you have materially neglected your obligations to pay taxes or statutory payments.

Employment subsidy may be granted despite dismissals or lay-offs if the number of employees in employment relationship at the time of the application is at least equal to the number of employees at the time of the dismissal or lay-off. The subsidy must not weaken the position of the employees you employ.

Employment subsidy cannot be paid to you if

  • you do not comply with the terms of the subsidy decision,
  • it is discovered after granting the employment subsidy that the prerequisites for the subsidy are not fulfilled, or
  • the subsidy has been granted erroneously, in excessive amounts or without justification.

The service is provided by

TE Office, KEHA Centre

Other responsible organisations

Kainuu TE Office, Pirkanmaa TE Office, Etelä-Savo TE Office, Pohjois-Karjala TE Office, Lapland TE Office, Etelä-Pohjanmaa TE Office, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa TE Office, Satakunta TE Office, KEHA Centre, Kaakkois-Suomi TE Office, Keski-Suomi TE Office, Pohjanmaa TE Office, Varsinais-Suomi TE Office, Häme TE Office, Pohjois-Savo TE Office, Uusimaa TE Office

Responsible for the service

TE Office
Text edited by: TE Office
Updated: 30/10/2023