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Responsible for the service TE Office

Employment appropriation for a government office or institution

  • Service
  • Nationwide except the Åland Islands
  • Public service

TE Offices and local government pilots can grant appropriations to government offices and institutions for the employment of unemployed job seekers. The appropriation may be allocated to hiring a person to an employment relationship or a public-service employment relationship.

The aim is to improve the professional skills of the unemployed job seeker and promote their opportunities for employment ...

Do the following

Apply for the appropriation with the form TEM315 ‘Application for allocating an appropriation for the employment of an unemployed job seeker’.

After an appropriation has been granted, you must, on a calendar monthly basis, report to the KEHA Centre on the use of the appropriation using the form TEM317 ‘Monthly report on the use of an appropriation’.

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To whom and on what terms

A prerequisite for granting the appropriation is that you agree to pay the employee a salary that complies with the general collective agreement for government employees or another collective labour agreement.

In general, when granting pay subsidies, unincorporated state enterprises are treated as companies. If a company has societal assignments and a person is hired to perform said assignments, the company is considered comparable to a government agency, and it may be granted an employment appropriation instead of a wage subsidy.

The expenses may be reimbursed up to the maximum extent dictated annually by the state budget. The maximum does not prevent you from paying a higher salary, but you must cover the amount exceeding the maximum by yourself.

The service is provided by

TE Office, KEHA Centre

Other responsible organisations

Etelä-Savo TE Office, Satakunta TE Office, Kainuu TE Office, Pirkanmaa TE Office, Pohjois-Karjala TE Office, Lapland TE Office, Etelä-Pohjanmaa TE Office, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa TE Office, Uusimaa TE Office, Kaakkois-Suomi TE Office, Keski-Suomi TE Office, Pohjanmaa TE Office, Varsinais-Suomi TE Office, Häme TE Office, Pohjois-Savo TE Office

Responsible for the service

TE Office
Text edited by: TE Office
Updated: 30/6/2023