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Responsible for the service Vantaa city

Basic education in Vantaa

  • Service
  • Vantaa
  • Public service

The nine-year Finnish comprehensive school provides general basic education. All children at the age of seven living in Finland must go to school or otherwise complete the comprehensive school curriculum.

Vantaa has comprehensive schools comprising all nine grades, primary schools, lower secondary schools, and lower secondary schools with some primary school grades. Primary schools can compris ...

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Background information

Basic education is education delivered in accordance to a curriculum that supports the pupils’ growth as human beings and members of society and teaches them the knowledge and skills they need. It confers every pupil the same eligibility for upper secondary education.

Compulsory education applies to children who are permanent residents in Finland in the year in which they turn seven years old. Compulsory education ends when the children have completed the basic education syllabus or ten years have passed since they started in compulsory education. The period of compulsory education may be extended due to a disability or illness. Adults may complete the basic education syllabus for example at a general upper secondary school for adults, a folk high school or an adult education centre.

The service is provided by

Vantaa city

Responsible for the service

Vantaa city
Text edited by: Vantaa city
Updated: 1/4/2024