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Responsible for the service Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia

Assess your symptoms online - Omaolo

  • Service
  • 14 municipalities
  • Public service

Omaolo is an electronic service channel for social welfare, health care, and oral health care services. The purpose of Omaolo is to promote the health and well-being of citizens. Omaolo supports self-care and helps people to contact public health care professionals if necessary.

You can fill in a symptom assessment in Omaolo if you have any symptoms or discomfort and are considering seeking medic ...

Do the following

Go to the homepage of Omaolo.

The service is available around the clock. Omaolo supports self-care and helps you to contact public health care professionals if necessary.

Follow the service instructions.

The service is provided by

Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia, DigiFinland Oy

Other responsible organisations

DigiFinland Oy

Responsible for the service

Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia
Text edited by: Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia
Updated: 15/11/2023