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Speech therapy for children

  • Service
  • Helsinki
  • Public service

The objective of speech therapy is to strengthen the development of speech, language and communication of children and young people and prevent learning difficulties. Challenges in speech and language development may manifest as difficulties in producing or understanding speech.

Speech therapists assess and support the child’s linguistic development through various tests and exercises, includ ...

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To whom and on what terms

Children's speech therapy is intended for children and young people between the ages of 0 to 16, who have problems in language and/or speech development. A referral from a health care unit in Helsinki is required for speech therapy.

The service is only for those who use the health care services of Helsinki.

The service is provided by

City of Helsinki

Responsible for the service

City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Text edited by: City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Updated: 1/6/2024