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Responsible for the service ELY Centre

Special permit in accordance with the Cross-country Traffic Act

  • Permit or other obligation
  • Nationwide except the Åland Islands
  • Public service

A person whose mobility is restricted due to age, disability or illness can apply for a special permit for the use of a motorised vehicle off road under section 28 of the Cross-country Traffic Act.

A person who is severely disabled does not need a special permit in accordance with section 4 of the Cross-country Traffic Act. A person accompanying them does not need a permit either.

The applicatio ...

Do the following

Obtain the following attachments for your application:

• a medical certificate no more than three months old mentioning the classification of handicap

• a copy of the map (1:50,000 or 1:100,000) with off-road boundaries and routes with the coordinates

• the landowner’s and road maintenance association’s consent to the permit if the permit is applied for a privately owned area.

If you have a permit from the Finnish Wildlife Agency for transporting a hunting gun in an off-road vehicle, attach a copy of the permit to the application.

Fill in and sign the application form.

Send the form and its attachments to the registry of the ELY Centre of the area your special permit concerns. You can send the application and attachments to the registry by post or electronically as attachments to the ELY Centres’ general online form.

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To whom and on what terms

A special permit can be granted to a person whose mobility is restricted due to age, disability or illness. A person who is severely disabled does not need a special permit in accordance with section 4 of the Cross-country Traffic Act. A person accompanying them does not need a permit either.

A special permit can be granted for moving around your municipality of residence, holiday home or some other justified area, for example, for the purpose of picking berries, fishing or hunting.

As a rule, special permits are granted for state-owned land, i.e. forestry and uncultivable land managed by Metsähallitus, or for wilderness areas, nature reserves and state-owned hiking areas, to a limited extent. Where there are no large state-owned land areas, possible areas include large municipal forest areas and outdoor recreation areas (not outdoor routes) and possibly large forest areas in shared forests. A special permit can also be applied for the land of individual landowners, such as an area used by the hunting club. In this case, get the landowner’s and road maintenance association’s consent to the permit before applying for the permit from the ELY Centre.

Please attach the following to your application:

• a medical certificate no more than three months old mentioning the classification of handicap

• a copy of the map (1:50,000 or 1:100,000) with off-road boundaries and routes with the coordinates

The service is provided by

ELY Centre for South Ostrobothnia, ELY Centre for Central Finland, ELY Centre for Uusimaa, ELY Centre for Satakunta, ELY Centre for South Savo, ELY Centre, ELY Centre for Häme, ELY Centre for Ostrobothnia, ELY Centre for Varsinais-Suomi, ELY Centre for Lapland, ELY Centre for North Karelia, ELY Centre for Southeast Finland, ELY Centre for North Ostrobothnia, ELY Centre for Kainuu, ELY Centre for Pirkanmaa, ELY Centre for North Savo

Other responsible organisations

ELY Centre for Varsinais-Suomi, ELY Centre for Lapland, ELY Centre for Kainuu, ELY Centre for South Ostrobothnia, ELY Centre for Pirkanmaa, ELY Centre for North Ostrobothnia, ELY Centre for Southeast Finland, ELY Centre for North Karelia, ELY Centre for Häme, ELY Centre for South Savo, ELY Centre for Satakunta, ELY Centre for Uusimaa, ELY Centre for Central Finland, ELY Centre for North Savo, ELY Centre for Ostrobothnia

Responsible for the service

ELY Centre
Text edited by: ELY Centre
Updated: 12/4/2024