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Short-term placement of children outside the home

  • Service
  • Helsinki
  • Public service

The need for the short-term placement of a child may arise if the parents cannot take care of the child due to, for example, acute mental health issues, an accident or substance abuse, or if the child has been mistreated or if the child engages in self-harming behaviour.

Short-term placement of a child is based on the Child Welfare Act. A social worker makes the decision on the placement.

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Do the following

To whom and on what terms

During office hours, the social worker responsible for the child and the client guidance social worker of the services will collaborate to determine a suitable placement unit for the child based on the available information. Outside office hours, the placement is carried out by emergency social services. Placement into an institution is possible if family care is unable to meet the child’s needs or no places are available. The social worker in charge of the placement makes the decision in accordance with Section 37 or Section 38 of the Child Welfare Act.

The service is provided by

City of Helsinki

Responsible for the service

City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Text edited by: City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Updated: 30/5/2024