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Short-term housing and crisis care

  • Service
  • Helsinki
  • Public service

Short-term housing is intended to support the coping of family members and enable you to practise living outside your home. The objectives for your residential period are set together with you and your nearest.

We offer short-term housing in group homes and in family care. Our adult clients are offered short-term housing in the group homes of Aurinkolahti, Hyvönen and Tilkka and at the short-t ...

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Background information

Supported housing is organised for people who need support in living independently or transitioning to independent living. Supported housing refers to supporting a person’s housing through social guidance and, if necessary, other social services.

It can also be offered to mental health rehabilitees and people with substance abuse problems who need support in everyday activities and life management.

Supported housing can be arranged at the resident’s own home or in municipal rental housing, and the service can also be offered in other types of living arrangements. Supported housing is provided by public and private service providers.

The service is provided by

City of Helsinki

Responsible for the service

City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Text edited by: City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Updated: 26/5/2024