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Responsible for the service City of Espoo

Leppävaara swimming pool

  • Service location

The indoor and outdoor swimming pools in Leppävaara are among the most popular sports facilities in Espoo. The renovated swimming complex was opened in 2016. There are pools available for every taste.

There are both normal saunas and steam saunas.

Visitors can participate in virtual Hydrohex aqua fitness classes in the therapy pool; the classes are included in the swimming pool entrance fee.

An ...

Visiting address

Service hours

Monday 7.00–20.00
Tuesday 6.00–20.00
Wednesday 10.00–20.00
Thursday 6.00–20.00
Friday 7.00–20.00
Saturday-Sunday 9.00–19.00

Accessibility information


Text edited by: City of Espoo
Updated: 28/5/2024