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Jakomäki swimming hall

  • Service location

The compact and intimate Jakomäki swimming hall was originally built for the use of Jakomäen yläaste secondary school and inaugurated in 1972. The swimming hall, located in the school’s basement, was completely renovated and reopened in 2010. In addition to pools and washrooms, Jakomäki swimming hall also includes a gym, the equipment of which has been recently updated. The pool area includes a la ...

Visiting address

Service hours

Monday 6.15–19.30
Tuesday 6.15–18.00
Wednesday 14.00–19.30
Thursday 6.15–19.30
Friday 14.00–19.30
Saturday 11.00–17.30
Sunday 11.00–19.00

Accessibility information


Text edited by: City of Helsinki, Culture and Leisure Division
Updated: 1/6/2024