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Responsible for the service City of Espoo

Employment Services

  • Service location

Employment Espoo is the office of the local government pilot on employment, which offers employment and economic development services (TE services) to a number of jobseekers in Espoo. The City of Espoo is in charge of Employment Espoo.

The office is located in Perkkaa, Espoo, at Komentajankatu 5C (first floor), near Ring I and the Sello shopping centre. The same building houses an office for adul ...

Visiting address

Komentajankatu 5C
02600 Espoo

Service hours

Monday-Friday 9.00–16.00

Other contact details

Postal address

02070 Espoon Kaupunki

Text edited by: City of Espoo
Updated: 27/5/2024