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Child welfare after-care

  • Service
  • Helsinki
  • Public service

You are entitled to after-care support for five years after last being a client of child welfare services or until turning 25.

After-care usually begins after the end of the care proceedings or placement lasting longer than six months, but you can also start it later. You can also request that after-care be started even if you have previously discontinued or refused after-care.

After-care ...

Do the following

To whom and on what terms

Young people between the ages of 16 and 20 are clients of the social work offered as follow-up care. They are steered towards the services through a customer plan submitted by a child welfare social worker or based on their own initiative.

Young people placed in care are entitled to follow-up care for five years after they have last been customers of child welfare or until they turn 21. However, young people becoming independent are not left alone even after this. Instead, social workers refer them to other municipal services, if necessary.

The service is provided by

City of Helsinki

Responsible for the service

City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Text edited by: City of Helsinki, The Social Services, Health Care and Rescue Services Division
Updated: 1/6/2024